YouTube video
YouTube video
YouTube video
Ready to Recieve East Coast Tantra Festival
Embrace My Heart
Soul Journeys Conversations on the Dock- Ep. 3 Challenging Conventions with Amy Curry
YouTube video
Soul Journeys Conversations on the Dock, Ep 2 Daka Dan, The Medicine Man
11:11 Divine Connections - Episode 1 Part 1
Kai Shanti -Lovelight Yoga+Arts Festival 2017
Touching Your Power pt 1 Dance of the 5 elements
Serpent Power Activation Meditation with Alaya Love
Adam Bauer Wonderville
About Thalia Alexiou
Shawn Roop Pt 1
Crowd Funding Pitch "49 Years After" Central Park Shoot on Jan. 2, 2018
Embrace the World - Hug A Vet on Memorial Day
Univinity TV
Soul Journeys Episode 1: Edie Weinstein Opti-Mystic